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Skirt made of black jersey and white pleated panel
Skirt made of black jersey and white pleated panel
Skirt made of black jersey and white pleated panel
Skirt made of black jersey and white pleated panel

Skirt made of black jersey and white pleated panel

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Delivery time: 7-10 working days

Call us: +40 723.696.399

We love this model of a skirt made of solid black jersey and a white panel made of pleated fabric. The belt is worn and closes with buttons at the waist.

We wear it during the day at the office with a silk shirt or in the evening at meetings with cut-out blouses or bodysuits. A model suitable for both over-the-knee boots and shoes.

Size & Shape

  • Upon request, we can make the product according to the dimensions desired by the customer
  • It is a tailored model; please consult the size guide and especially the waist size when placing the order
  • The jersey material contains a little elastane, is comfortable and does not wrinkle
  • The model is 1.80 cm tall and wears size 36
  • Product length: approximately 75 cm

Details & Maintenance

  • The color of the jersey is black and the pleated panel is white
  • jersey: 95% cotton 5% elastane; pleated panel: 60% viscose 40% polyester; lining: 100% viscose
  • It is chemically cleaned
  • To extend the life of the product, it is recommended to keep it in a place protected from daylight


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Customer Reviews

Based on 23 reviews
Oana Pirvu
Foarte mulțumită

Fusta e conform descrierii si imaginilor din prezentare. Prezinta avantajul de a muta nasturii din talie in cazul in care exista mici diferențe sau modificari ale taliei. Materialul este unul plin, cu tinuta.
Am achizitionat impreuna cu topul din jerseu aceasta fusta pentru botezul fetitei, se completează minunat. Le consider a fi modele foarte inspirate (topul se pliaza foarte bine si pentru alaptat usor).

Teodora Aiftimie
Un articol vestimentar must--have

Este croita cu atenție la detalii, arată foarte bine. Nicio diferență între poza și realitate.
Am deja 6 articole de la ei. Toate pe gustul meu.
Mă bucur că am avut curaj să comand online.

Manuela Olteanu

Fusta a fost ajustată în lungime conform cerințelor mele, îmi vine perfect. Materiale de calitate și atenție la detalii.

Raluca Barabas

Imi place, dar e un pic lung

Nicoleta Boboc

Bună ziua !Fustița era foarte frumoasa ,modelul nu ma avantaja !

Open drop down

Ghid de Măsuri

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