
Our new collection is here. Come and see❤

April Contest Regulations


Alist Designers Boutique – April 2023




  1. Campaign organizer

(1) The campaign is organized by GENUIN ART OF NATURALS SRL, WAX'N MAGIC SRL, 13 BUSINESS PROJECTS SRL, hereinafter referred to as the " Organizer ".

(2) Campaign participants are obliged to comply with the terms and conditions of these Regulations (hereinafter referred to as " Regulations ").

(3) The Regulations are available for free throughout the Campaign, in the Regulations section on the dedicated contest pages ( ; /waxnmagic/ ; ; / ; ) as well as at the Organizer's headquarters.

(4) The organizer reserves the right to modify the Regulation, informing the potential participants in advance, at least one working day before the date of entry into force of the changes by publishing on the Wax N Magic , Genuin , Izabela Mandoiu Facebook page and on the Instagram page a Wax N Magic , Genuine , Izabela Mandoiu .

  1. Duration of the Campaign

(1) The campaign takes place exclusively online, on the Instagram page of Bucharest Mall (@bucurestimallvitan).

(2) The campaign will take place between 20.04.2023 and 25.04.2023, with the drawing taking place on 26.04.2023.

(3) After the end of the Campaign, the Organizer no longer has any responsibility and assumes no obligation in relation to any circumstance that could eventually lead to the conclusion of the validity or continuation of the Campaign.

  1. Conditions of participation and the products included in the Campaign
  • Any natural person (hereinafter referred to as " Participant ") who has domicile or residence in Romania and is at least 18 years old on the date of the start of the Campaign can participate in this Campaign.
  • To enroll in the Campaign, Participants undertake to follow the procedure described in art. 4
  • Employees of the Organizer, employees of the agencies involved, and members of their families (children, parents, brothers/sisters, husband/wife) are not eligible to participate in the promotional campaign.
  • The participants assume full responsibility for the correctness and veracity of the information (including personal data) transmitted to the Organizer, the latter not assuming any responsibility for inaccurate information and data and/or for false statements, nor for the consequences that arise or could arise from such of statements. The winner who declares/submits incorrect/false information/data forfeits the status of winner.
  • The Promoter assumes no liability arising from the award of any prize, including in respect of the payment of any damages or any other claim of any nature in connection with any prize. The winners assume responsibility for accepting the prizes, the Organizer not assuming any responsibility for any possible consequences arising from the acceptance of the prize or in connection with it.
  • Note: a person can enter the contest only once


  1. Mechanism of the Campaign
  • To participate in the Campaign, the Participant must complete the following steps:
  • To follow the Instagram pages @izabelamandoiu,, @waxnmagic, @bucurestimallvitan and @alistmagazine.
  • Tag in a comment top 3 friends who are passionate about #fashion and authentic Romanian #design!


  1. Prizes awarded

The prize awarded by drawing lots consists of:

  • A 100 ml hand-poured soy wax candle, Wax'Magic brand
  • A set of 4 linen cross napkins, natural or white, Genuin Shop brand
  • A wool fabric belt with red and gold beads, brand Izabela Mandoiu

*The total value of the prizes is 599.99 RON

(4) The prize is awarded exclusively to the winner and it is not possible to replace it with the monetary value of the products or other benefits.


  1. Designation and validation of winners
  • A Participant can win only one prize in the Campaign.
  • The winner will be determined by drawing lots, which will take place on 04.2023, at the Organizer's headquarters.
  • The draw will be made through the website, the draw being registered by the Organizers, through Leta Andreea representative of Wax'N Magic SRL.

The draw will be made randomly, electronically, via the website .

The video recording will be kept for a minimum of 30 working days from the end of the raffle.

  • 1 (one) winner and 3 (three) reserves related to the prize will be drawn.
  • The organizer undertakes to contact the winner by private message on the Instagram online platform, and if the winner does not respond to 3 (three) successive messages within 24 hours, the winner in question is invalidated and the first reserve drawn will be contacted. If - after applying the above procedure - the first reserve is also invalid, the second reserve is contacted until the 3 drawn reserves are used up.

The validated winner will be invited to pick up their prize from Alist Designers Boutique, within Bucharest Mall-Vitan (Calea 55-59, sector 3, Bucharest), daily, between 10:00 and 22:00, within 2 days calendars, from the moment of contacting and validating the status of the Winner. The winners of the prizes must prove that they are the owners of the Instagram account from which they entered the contest, respectively they must be able to access their personal account, where there are posts related to their registration in the Campaign and especially the existence of the private message that they -received from the Organizer, using their username and password, presenting the message announcing them as winners to the Organizer's representatives

In the event that the winner refuses the prize or does not present himself within the deadline set for picking it up or, although he does present himself, he cannot prove that he is the owner of the Instagram account used for registration or refuses to provide the necessary data to draw up the handover-receipt report the prize, the Organizer will award the prize to the first reserve or, if it cannot be awarded to it either, to the following reserves, in the order in which they were drawn.

  • The winner will present the identity document at the time of picking up the prize and will sign documents related to the recipient of the prize.
  • In the event that the prize cannot be handed over to the winner or to the selected reserves, for reasons independent of the Organizer until 04.2023, the prize remains in the possession of the Organizer and will no longer be owed by it, and the respective winner will lose the rights resulting from the quality of the winner.

  1. Processing of personal data within the Campaign

(1) In order to carry out the Campaign, the Organizer referred to in art. 1 will process the personal data of the participants as an operator.

(2) The contact details of the Operator referred to in art. 1 can be used to address concerns and exercise the rights of data subjects.

(3) During the Campaign, the Operator will collect the following categories of personal data from the participants: name/pseudonym used within the Instagram network.

Regarding the validated Winners, the Operator collects and processes the following personal data: name, surname, telephone number, address for awarding the prize. This data will be collected and stored exclusively in the case of winners so that the Operator can account for the awarding of prizes and prove their awarding.

(4) Purpose of processing. The personal data of the Campaign participants will be processed by the Operator in order to organize and run it, designate and validate the winners, as well as award the prize and fulfill the financial and accounting obligations of the Operator.

(5) The data will be processed for the purposes of the legitimate interest of the Organizer for the running of the Promotional Campaign and for the fulfillment of the legal obligations incumbent upon it, through the acceptance by the concerned person of the Regulation and any annexes to it. Enrollment of the participant (target person) in the Campaign involves the processing of personal data.

(6) With regard to the winner's personal data for the Organizer's accounting records, they will be stored, according to the applicable legal provisions in financial and accounting matters, for 10 (ten) years from the end of the financial year in which it took place presentation of the award.

(7) Upon expiry of the personal data storage period, the Operator will delete/destroy this data from the processing and storage means.

(8) The rights of data subjects

In order to ensure fair and transparent processing, participants - as data subjects - have the following rights:

(i) the right to withdraw the consent regarding the processing, at any time, without this affecting the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent before its withdrawal, the data to be deleted according to the request of the person concerned and in compliance with the applicable legal provisions;

(ii) the right to request access to personal data;

(iii) the right to request the rectification of personal data;

(iv) the right to request the deletion of personal data

(v) the right to restrict processing;

(vi) the right to oppose the processing, except where legal provisions provide otherwise;

(vii) the right to data portability;

(viii) the right to file a complaint with the National Authority for the Supervision of the Processing of Personal Data if the rights listed above have been violated or suffered any damage as a result of the illegal processing of personal data.

(9) Participants can exercise their rights mentioned above through a written request, dated and signed, sent to the address of the Organizer's headquarters mentioned in art. 1 OR by a request sent by email to , , .

(10) The operator undertakes to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures in order to ensure a level of security corresponding to the personal data of the Campaign participants. When evaluating the appropriate level of security, particular account will be taken of the risks presented by the processing of personal data, generated in particular, accidentally or illegally, by the destruction, loss, modification, unauthorized disclosure or unauthorized access to the personal data transmitted , stored or processed.

(11) The personal data of the Contest winner will be processed in accordance with the applicable legal provisions, respectively EU Regulation no. 679/2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.


  1. Early termination of the Campaign

(1) The Campaign may end before the term established by the Regulation only in the event of an event constituting force majeure or fortuitous event, respectively in the event of the Organizer's impossibility, for any reason independent of his will, to continue the Campaign.

(3) In this case, the Organizer no longer has any obligation towards the participants of the Campaign, it is not required to return an amount or to pay an amount by way of compensation or the like.


  1. disputes
  • Any disputes arising between the Organizer and the campaign participants will be settled amicably, and if this is not possible, the disputes will be settled in the competent Romanian courts in the city of Bucharest.
  • Any complaints related to the running of the Campaign can be sent to the Organizer's address within a maximum of 5 working days from the date of the public announcement of the winners. After the expiration of this term, the Organizer will not consider any complaint.


  1. Final provisions
  • The Organizer's decision in any respect is final and applicable to all participants.
  • If the Organizer finds that a winner has not fulfilled and/or has not respected the conditions set out in the Campaign Regulations, it reserves the right to disqualify him, without further compensation or payments.
  • The Organizer is entitled to take all necessary measures in case of attempted fraud, abuse or any other attempts that could affect the image of the Organizer or the Promotional Campaign.
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