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ROOTS – meaning for Romanian values

ROOTS – meaning for Romanian values

Yesterday it was March... Now, it's autumn again... and the wind started blowing more and more decisively. From a metaphorical perspective, we can appreciate that it is the wind of change, without any connection with politics, but only with man - from his identity, to his most naive thoughts, which propels him into a matrix that transforms him into a digital man .

We merge with all kinds of devices, which become fictitious extensions of our thinking, our hands and implicitly our activities. Do we need all of these? Certainly yes, as we have reached a point where technology makes our lives easier. But despite its advantages, digital doesn't give us the meaning we need when everything seems to be falling apart.

The year 2020 proved to us that it is not exotic holidays or things that feed our ego in an online agora that make us happy, but the certainty that we are well, that we have the minimum to enjoy the present time and, above all , by those we love. So much chatter online, but so little eye contact. It was as if a moment of respite from the whirlwind of the contemporary rhythm was needed, to give the respite to give due importance to the basic things, which define and validate our existence.

We were occupied by a gray period and we started to appreciate the colors that surround us in the smallest details!

Access to international roads has been stopped and it seems the country seems more beautiful than ever!

I could no longer party in the city, or on holidays in the countries strangers, but we had time to go to relatives and enjoy their presence, the mioritic plains.

We no longer concerned ourselves with fads, but showed gratitude for good health.

And most importantly, we remembered that one can live more slowly, with less, but with more meaning. We really needed our ROOTS to be activated, so that we could continue to grow beautifully, to flourish, to make a significant contribution to the world through our mere existence.

2020 is the year of a strong reconfiguration. It's a year when we have to realize what really matters and put more value on health, authenticity, beauty. As a result, we reflected and decided: Roots is the name of the 2020 Izabela Măndoiu collection - because we need to return to the meaning of things, of life, of what makes us fulfilled and happy. In uncertain times, we need to be aware of our values, reposition them and create a future where the good and the beautiful reign supreme.

The collection Roots keeps the line of traditional motifs, which harmoniously intertwine with modern, fluid materials, meant to highlight femininity, grace, candour. Together, we continue to bring to life wonderful Stories woven with Values! Izabela Măndoiu Project made together with Alexandra Marcu Material produced in collaboration with Anatol Struna Silviu Ioniță: hair Alina Alexa: make-up

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