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What kind of outfit does Dragobete wear? deserves to be celebrated, in all forms and on any day!

The traditional Romanian version of the holiday of love, Dragobetele remains for some people only a certain day in February, on par with the very commercial Valentine's Day. In recent years, however, for many more people , February 24 has become an opportunity to mark the presence of this feeling in their own lives : thanks to their partner, through the gift brought by their most devoted girlfriends. In fact, love is worth celebrating, in all forms and on any day!

So on February 24th, regardless of which camp we are in, we will make a minimal stylistic effort. We will want to dress differently than we would on a regular Saturday night. Maybe we decide it's the only day of the year when we wear a red or pink dress. Maybe only today we choose an outfit or accessories decorated with hearts. Maybe we know that only today it is appropriate to wear that outfit that unites Romanian folklore motifs and femininity...

I have collected them all in today's article, and my wish is that my recommendations inspire and encourage you!

For a dinner at a restaurant: something red, classic and possibly with traditional motifs

If you are planning a dinner at a good restaurant in the city, this is the time to take out the red dress from your wardrobe. The one with the embroidered breastplate or the shirt dress , the ones that are not so elegant as to be reserved for ultra-sophisticated outings, and yet a little too special to be simple office dresses.

If you decide to add touches of modernity and elegance to them, bet on silver accessories: a metallic envelope bag, large silver heart-shaped earrings, matched with a few bracelets on the wrist.

For a lunch with girlfriends: something pink, beautiful and comfortable

A few hours of animated conversation, sprinkled with your favorite drinks? This kind of meeting calls for the most feminine color in the wardrobe: pink, in all its shades.

My first recommendation is to opt for a very comfortable outfit : a pair of blue jeans and a black sweater, over which you add a short vest , lined and embroidered with natural fur dyed fuchsia pink . You complete the outfit with some black ankle boots, as simple as possible.

My second recommendation, just as comfortable, starts with a pair of very thick black tights and a simple white T-shirt . Layer a pastel pink cardigan over the t-shirt, and at the bottom complete the outfit with a wide skirt made of intense pink tulle . On the feet, black sneakers or high black boots without a heel. As accessories: some white earrings and a wide scarf with stripes in several shades of pink.

For a romantic date: something ultra-feminine and elegant

One of the joys of the Dragobete holiday is that you can have a romantic date with your significant other , whether you've been together for 6 months or have known each other for a lifetime. This is the night you will choose an outfit that is the quintessence of femininity.

A red dress that contours your figure or a diaphanous blouse that reveals your shoulders are the basis of a classic stylistic combination. You add elegant heels, a nice bag and long earrings that caress your shoulders. The festive note of the outfit will be given by the carefully chosen perfume.

For a movie night: something casual, embellished with traditional embroidery

Dragobete plans don't have to be pretentious. Some of the most beautiful moments are the simple ones, part of the nature of an ordinary evening: a delicious pizza, a few glasses of red wine, then a movie...

The first outfit I recommend starts with the most comfortable jeans you have. Complete them with a white blouse with wide and embroidered sleeves, over which you put a fabric vest . On your feet, sneakers or short boots.

The second outfit is this black mini dress , also with embroidered sleeves, but with an interesting lace-up neckline. Just add chunky black tights, tall mid-heel boots and, depending on how chilly you are, a short quilted jacket or a long fabric coat .

Which of the scenarios and outfits comes closest to how you will celebrate Lovebirds?

To remember: deserves to be celebrated, in all forms and on any day!

Article written by our dear:
Irina Markovits
Clothing Consultant
Personal Stylist

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